Bharat Scouts & Guides wing of Model Academy, the prestigious school of MIER organised two days Pravesh training camp on 29th and 30th May 2023 in the MIER campus.
Dignitaries present at the Inaugural session were Mr. Pramod Kumar Srivastava, Principal and Mr. J.K.Dhiman, Vice Principal. They impressed upon the Scouts and Guides to put in their best to make their training result oriented. They asked them to adhere to the promise and law in a most efficient manner in order to become ideal citizens and ideal human beings.
35 Scouts and 35 Guides attended the camp under the mentorship of Mrs. Veena Vaid, Mrs. Deepika Soni and Mr. Imran. The prime feature of the camp was history of the movement, promise and law, sign, salute, motto and fine points with effect to their personal hygiene, well-being, and good manners. They were given information about BSG flag and also taught the flag song and BSG prayer. It was a great learning experience for the children and they showed lot of enthusiasm and discipline throughout the camp