1. Test/Exaaminations will be conducted as per schedule given in the diary.

2. Each student must have 75% attendance to appear in the Annual Examination.

3. To pass an examination unconditionally, a student should obtain 33% marks in the aggregate. He should also obtain at least 33% marks in individual subjects.

4.No student is ordinarily exempted from appearing in an examination. The school will not conduct pre-tests or re-tests.

5. A student who is found cheating or prompts cheating in any examination will be severely dealt with and fined and may even be rusticated. No credit shall be given to the students found guilty of malpractices and copying in the examination.


1. At the end of the school year, only those who, on the basis of their year's performance pass according to the criteria laid down by the institution will be promoted. A student who, due to illness, is unable to sit for the annual examination may be allowed to re-appear in the exam. Each such case will be decided on its merit and on production of medical certificate.

2. All doubtful cases regarding promotions are left entirely to the Management and the Principal and their decision will be final and binding in this respect.

3. No student may remain in the same class for more than two years. She/he will have to discontinue her/his studies in the school.